Friday, June 10, 2022

141/365 - White Pants and Sock Gaiters


The long lazy rays
of the summer sun
dance across the horizon
drawing me out
With a hastily yelled goodbye
and a "be home before
the street lights come on"

But never mind the 
slamming of the door
there are trails
winding through the foothills
that I need to explore
Golden grasses
and sweet chaparral 
flank the mosey poesy path
up sandstone cliffs
and through moss carpet creeks
over hill and dale

And never mind the ticks
clinging to my legs
never mind the poison oak
that will plague me
for days and days
never mind my mom
armed with tweezers
and calamine
and threats of groundings
unless I don proper attire

But the lure
of adventure
will call again tomorrow
The path leads
over the horizon
and I have no choice
but to follow

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